Operation Holiday Donations
Please drop off your donations at Eye to Eye by December 5, 2020.
Please come by Eye to Eye now through December 5th, 2020 to drop off your donations of non-perishable food and new toys (not gift-wrapped) for Operation Holiday, a charity organization that distributes food, grocery gift cards, pet food, winter wear and blankets to low-income families and individuals.
It is our pleasure to support this amazing organization, and we hope you will too!
Info below from the Operation Holiday site:
Suggested Donations
Peanut Butter and Jelly
Mac and Cheese
Hamburger Helper
Spaghetti Sauce
Dry Pasta
Canned Pasta
Tuna and other canned meats
Cereal and Oatmeal
Canned Vegetables
Canned Fruit
Jello and Pudding
Ages 0 - 2
Fisher Price interactive toys, leap frog, play mats, learn to walk toys.
Ages 3 - 5
Interactive toys, big wheels, doll house, high chair or bed for dolls, princess dress up outfits, sit and spins, hippity hop bouncy balls, Fisher Price learn with me jewelry boxes, pillow pets.
Tonka trucks (check age on packaging), big wheel bikes, sit and spins, leap frog interactive toys, Fisher Price interactive toys (i.e. tee ball sets, remote control cars).
Ages 6 - 9
Skate boards, scooter, doll house for doll, Barbie car, kitchen sets, Polly pockets (houses, cars, accessory items), pogo stick, princess dress up outfits, bikes, horse play set, sleeping bag, pillow pets.
Skate boards, scooter, remote control cars, Tonka trucks, pogo stick, leap frog interactive toys, sleeping bag.
Ages 10 - 11
Larger skate boards, boom boxes, mp3 players, girl scout camping equipment, decorative body pillow, sleeping bag, fun room accessories, bed in a bag sets (twin and full), jewelry sets with matching hair flowers or bows.
Larger skate boards, scooter, remote control cars, boom boxes, mp3 players, trucks, helicopters, fishing poles and gear, Boy Scout camping equipment, sleeping bag.
Ages 12 - 14
Purse with matching wallet, body pillow with matching blanket, matching shirt and ball cap (i.e KU, KSU, OU, OSU, WSU, camo), picture frame sets, picture memo boards, bed in a bag dorm sets size twin or full, fun floor lamps, butterfly chairs, papasan chairs, jewelry box with jewelry.
Camping gear, lanterns, sleeping bags, fishing pole and tackle, tents, wallet, matching T-Shirt and ball cap (i.e KU, KSU, OU, OSU, WSU, camo (mossy oak, real tree), kettle bell weights, skate board, bed in bag dorm set, twin or full.